Help! I Need Pac-Man!

A Mini-Guide Obtaining Your Favouite Maze Game

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

So you wanna a version of Pac-Man to play at home or on the go? Of course you do, the Mr. And Mrs. of the electronic world continue to be the best arcade games to date. To celebrate the yellow boy’s 25th birthday, Namco has a whack load of new ways of obtaining your favourite maze game. Let’s rock!


You got no console. No Palm Pilot. No GBA. Nothin’. Zip. Well damn that ain’t stoppin’ you! You have a TV right? Then you must obtain JAKKS TV Games Namco and Ms. Pac-Man plug and play sticks. That’s all you do. Throw in 4 AA batteries and BAM! You’re in arcade heaven. The Namco TV Games stick includes Pac-Man, Dig Dug, Galaxian, Bosconian and Rally-X. Here’s a review I did for the product. The Ms. Pac-Man TV Games stick includes Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, Pole Position, Mappy and Xevious. Kick ass!


Let’s face it, cell phone and Palm Pilot games suck. Unless you dig Monopoly or Battleship, the rest are comprised of expensive crap experiences. Well, now you’re in luck. Namco Games has brought your favourite arcade games to your portable device. The arcade classics Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, Galaxian and a host of others await for you at their website. Check it out! The Palm Pilot games rock! They even have the original arcade panel artwork and allow stylus control. Sweet!

GameCube / X-Box / Playstation 2 / GBA / DS / PSP

So you got yourself a console or portable console and wanna rock it old school. Well this phat action is gonna lift the smack off ya face! Namco has got the cure for your Pac blues with the upcoming Namco Museum 50th Anniversary Arcade Collection. Here you will get a smack load of arcade classics including Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man for your beloved console of choice. The collection hits store shelves in early September. Bam!


You want the real deal? You want the ultimate toy? Wanna make friends jealous? Here’s the real deal… Namco Arcade is releasing a special limited edition Pac-Man 25th Anniversary arcade cabinet. The cabinet features new and retro artwork. It not only includes Pac-Man but Ms. Pac-Man and Galaga. This my friends is my dream. I gotta start saving my pennies…


Well, there you have it. Many ways to obtain the Pac-Man in this kick ass year of 25th Anniversary celebrations. Has it been 25 years already? Heck, I can still remember playing my Coleco tabletop non-stop, eating Pac-Man cereal and watching that Hannah-Barbara cartoon when I was a young lad like it was yesterday. *sniff* Nostalgia… Happy B-Day big guy!

- Kelley